Each year the Educational Theatre Association Georgia Chapter recognizes outstanding work and dedication to educational theatre by students and their teachers. Previous awards have included Hall of Fame, Outstanding Theatre Educator, Administrator Award, and Outstanding Student Achievement.
Award Types
Hall of Fame
Georgia Thespians recognizes annually an individual who has dedicated himself or herself to the cause of theatre education. Any member of Educational Theatre Association (Troupe Director or Individual member) who has 20 years of service is eligible to be nominated for this award.
Past Hall of Fame
Outstanding Student Achievement Award – Middle School
Recognize middle school students who exemplify the ideals of the Georgia Thespians. To be eligible, for either award, a candidate must be in good standing with the International Thespian Society and an active member of his/her school Thespian Troupe.
Administrator’s Award
Georgia Thespians present this award to outstanding school administrators who have demonstrated exemplary support for educational theatre. Administrators from all schools or school districts affiliated with Georgia Thespians are eligible for the Administrator’s Award. Troupe directors may submit nominations for individuals or administrative teams serving at the department, building, or district level by filling out an application that is then reviewed by the chapter director of Georgia Thespians. Previous award recipients may not apply.
Outstanding Theatre Educator
Georgia Thespians hopes to recognize an individual who has dedicated himself or herself to the cause of theatre education and the promotion of the fine arts in his or her community. Any member of Educational Theatre Association (Troupe Director or Individual member) is eligible to be nominated for this award. Any student wishing to nominate their teacher for consideration will be required to fill out an application and include a letter of recommendation. The student who nominates the Outstanding Theatre Educator will present the award at conference. In addition, the recipient will receive a grant of $500.